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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Apartment Therapy January Cure: Assignments 4 - 7 - Playing Catch Up

I've fallen a bit behind on my January Cure. This week was the first week of the quarter (I'm in my final quarter of library school!) and I really wanted to start school off smoothly so I spent a lot of time getting everything set up and ready. That means that this weekend, I'll be working on schoolwork and catching up on my January Cure!

Assignment 4: Set Up an Outbox

An Outbox is like purgatory for your apartment. It's a space (or box) dedicated to put things while their fate is being decided; keep or donate/sell? The things in your outbox should stay there for at least a week. The idea is that by placing them in this space, they lose their hold over their owner, allowing them to be disposed of free of guilt or other complicated, material-related emotions. My outbox is going to be mostly full of clothing, I suspect. Yeah, my giraffe t-shirt is super cute and I really like it, but it is too snug under the arms so I don't wear it. Nobody likes pinched armpits.

Anybody want to dibs this size Small giraffe t-shirt from
My outbox is sort of tucked behind the couch, next to the sofa back table.

Assignment 5: Pick a Project to Cross Off Your List

The pantry. It's happening. I'm going to go through everything in there and organize it. I may need to get more shelves or hooks or something, but no matter the obstacle, by the end of this Cure, it will be organized.

As it is now...
How it will be! Hopefully. Maybe.

Assignment 6: Prep Artwork for Framing & Display

My friends Pete & Britt gave me this awesome frame filled with pictures of Curtis and me (and other friends too!) from their wedding for my birthday in September last year. I'm planning on taking the pictures out and putting them in some other frames that Curtis and I have and making some silhouette art of queen anne's lace or dandelions or something and putting it in the frame. Then I am either going to hang this on the wall above the stairway or at the foot of the stairs to the right of the TV. Pictures later.

Assignment 7: Flowers, Kitchen Organizing & Cleaning, Make a Meal


I am really not looking forward to cleaning out my fridge. What I am looking forward to is a pristine kitchen!

I have to admit, I'm also really looking forward to doing a new flower arrangement this weekend. Today is Saturday, so I won't go to the store until tomorrow, but I'll post pictures of my new arrangement then.

How is your Cure going?


  1. I love that you refer to the outbox as "purgatory for your apartment." I'd never thought of it that way, but it's fitting. Congratulations on your progress!

    1. Thanks Sarah! Congrats on your progress too :) Your kitchen looks great, especially your cleaned out freezer!

  2. Kudos to your organizing and management skills. You have very well set up your apartment. I like the facts that you have set up your spices in alphabetical order. Good job!

    1. My spices used to be all jumbled up and I could never find what I wanted. I can't even tell you how many times I bought a new bottle of some spice or other because I thought I was out, only to find an open jar somewhere else in the pantry. So frustrating!
