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Friday, April 19, 2013


Allergies are terrible awful things to have. Right now, tree pollen is wreaking havoc on my upper respiratory system and I'm coughing what feels like non-stop. My throat is super raw from coughing all last night -- I don't think I fell asleep until sometime after 3am -- and it is apparently such a hostile environment in my sinuses that it feels like my throat and my face are trying to flee by crawling out of my ears.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Cookie A & Elizabeth

I just got home from a lovely evening spent with Elizabeth -- fellow librarian and knitting conspirator -- and I am exhausted! Our Cookie A packages arrived this week so we got together to open them and cast on for our new socks. I'm pretty excited... I'll have another post about the Cookie A sock club and April's shipment coming soon, but for now, good night!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Here I Am

It has been a doozy of a few months. I've gone on a vacation to Disneyland, taken a quarter off from library school, been ill, broke up with Curtis, moved to a new city, started knitting socks, got back together with Curtis, got promoted, started working out (Jillian Michaels), joined a co-ed soccer team, had my debit card information stolen by some butthead in the UK, and have seriously started considering a career change from corporate information management and analytics type jobs to public librarianship. My life has been topsy turvy and not always in the fun, colorful way that makes you think of chaotic circus routines involving sequins and somersaults (though maybe it does...)

So here I am, on Capitol Hill, in my bed on a rainy Sunday, thinking about getting some tea and how exactly I want to start revamping my Library Out Loud blog and how long I think it would take me to finish knitting my socks (four hours?).

My first pair of socks ever!