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Monday, May 9, 2011

Queen of Minor Maladies

I'm finally better! I'm left with just a little allergic cough (thanks Walla Walla!) and have mostly gotten my sleep cycle back on track. I've been able to go to my classes and work again, just in time for the end of the semester. This means that I'm back into knitting-shape and have been working diligently on some commissioned headbands (thanks Sami & Katie!), but have been struggling against the Velcro.

That's right. I said Velcro. One of the worst substances in existence for a knitter because it catches and pulls and ruins the fibers. Now I'm fighting a daily battle against it since it's what keeps my wrist brace on.

Wrist brace? Yepp. Because I have tendinitis. From knitting too much. Apparently it really can happen.

I've been working on coming up with a better story (I fell on it climbing over a fence after I saved a baby from a rabid dog?) but it seems my friends know me too well. Most of them haven't even had to ask what happened; they already know. Maybe this injury gives me some knitting street cred.

I have to wear the brace for about three more weeks and then see how it goes from there. The brace is slowing my knitting down considerably, but I'm still chugging along. Sami's headband is almost done (in teal and off-white) and I'll post pictures of the finished product tomorrow or Tuesday.

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